Saturday, February 4, 2012

If This Were to Happen to Anyone, It Would Be Me.

This last week I went to Rexburg for work. I took a co-worker with me and we were supposed to run three informational meetings. Most people know that I am slightly challenged when it comes to directions. Not that I've ever been lost a millions times before. I'm basically the queen of U-turns. Anyways....this time Mapquest led me astray. Big time. Like took me to Boise instead of Rexburg. About 30 minutes before the first meeting, we realized that something was up. Our phone GPS didn't work so I called my boss. Here's how it went down.

Me: "Hey! I have some bad news. I think we are lost and the meeting starts soon. We're in some place called Glen's Ferry..."
Boss: "Glen's Ferry?"
Me: "Yeah, I have no idea where we are."
Boss: "Wait. Shelene, are you joking."
Me: "Dead serious. All my messing around has ruined my seriousness. You know I can't lie without giggling. And all I want to do is cry right now."
Boss: "It's true, you always laugh when you are lying or joking. You are 250 miles away from Rexburg."
Me: "That makes me want to throw up. Or cry. But neither of those things are going to help us right now."
Boss: "Just laugh, this is kind of funny, we'll figure things out. It will be funny."
Me: "It's too raw, too soon. There will be no laughing.....okay, maybe in like an hour."

In case you would really like to see how far we were...Click here

So my co-worker and I eventually make it to Rexburg...four hours later. 
Here's Rexburg. This place be poppin'.

Eventually, we did our other meeting. Followed by eating too much, singing and dancing in the car, and talking about beautiful men. All around fun times. Then the next day I got to listen to my other boss tell everyone he was not surprised we got lost. "I've seen the way you drive, Shelene." So rude. Just because I get turned around all.the.time and totaled two cars in five months doesn't mean anything. #bitchidontknowyourlife.

1 comment:

Corinne said...

You're in good company. Once I was driving home from SLC (which I've done a few times & was planning to go the Page way) & accidentally ended up in St. George. Best part was I didn't even realize it until I saw the temple. You're only cool if you get lost :) Love you cute girl.
PS. LOVE the New Girl