Saturday, October 8, 2011

48 Hours in AZ

This is a couple weeks late but ya know, that's how I roll. Plus, I was waiting on my famdam to send me the pics from that weekend.
So two weekends ago I flew (thanks to Uncle Tony's buddy pass) to Arizona to see my family and be there for when my two brothers got the Priesthood. I knew everyone would be there and I don't like missing out on special occasions so I booked a flight last minute and hopped on home for two days. Anyone that knows me well knows that I don't like flying but I did it for the kids.
Usually I like spending as little time as possible away from work and not in AZ, but I really really missed Mesa. I missed the Mexican food, my family, my friends, and the good people. Luckily, my buddy Isaac was back in town and agreed to go grab some delish food at Rosa's with me. Man, Utah your food sucks. You know you're good friends with someone when they don't judge you for eating the entire basket of chips and shoving enchiladas down your gullet twice as fast as everyone else at the table. Thank you forever Rosa's.

I also spent some quality time with the family messing around, eating treats, and watching criminal television. That's how we do. The next morning we set out for our three hour journey to Snowflake for Great Grandpa Webb's 95th birthday and a visit with the rest of the Webb clan. Here we are with Great G'pa.
Isn't he precious?
We went and saw my cousin's soccer game, played with the other cousins at G'pa Webb's house, and went to see My Uncle Jason and his girls. It wouldn't be a Webb trip is something didn't go according to plan... Mom's van got hit by some pastors on our way..but it was only a minor scratch. And it also wouldn't be a Webb road trip without us jammin' out to 80s the whole way and having a note-holding contest to Pat Benetar (BTW, I won seven times). What can I say? We know how to have a good time and get down.

The next day we had stake conference and then the boys were ordained. Here is a picture of the Morris bunch with the sibs and Mahzer. 
Look at all those kids...and I'm the oldest. They're pretty great and I love em.
We went home to take our regularly scheduled sunday nap and eat some tasty yums. Of course Fahzer had to take more pictures of us..
Here's the fambam
Sheridan and I have a hard time just standing there. 

And the kids Sound of Music style

After the naps, per request, we had an epic family slide show and one of my favorite cousins/people/friends, Peter came over to visit and catch up. I love that kids and I'm glad he stayed for the ridiculous display of old family photos. I had to fly back that night to be back in time for school and work but that 48 was so worth it.
It was a good time and hopefully will hold me over until my Christmas and miss you already family. Plus, brothers, so proud of yousss!! 

1 comment:

Leece said...

Best road trip eh ver!! You know you've raised your kids right when you can rock out to the 80s classics with them in harmony *proud*! Can't wait for Christmas, miss ya like crazy! Love this post :) xoxo