Sunday, October 23, 2011

Evolution of Addition

Yesterday I went to visit one of my favorite people, my hairdresser. When most girls feel down or not well (like I did all week) they go shopping, get their nails done, or get a massage. I get my hair done. My sister refers to my hair as my "kool aid hairr" because I cut or dye it or both every month. She's convinced it will fall out. Here are a few examples of my hair over the past couple years..

And this doesn't even cover half the colors I've had.

Maybe because this is what I grew up looking like. So awkward..
Awful hair. I either had to slick it back or let the afro free. Plus the glasses and braces. 

After talking to my hairdresser and thinking back on past hair, I realized I have a problem. I'm a bit obsessed with change. 

Here is another pic of the new hair

 If I'm going to be addicted to anything, I think that hair is probably the safest.  


Kimmy Cross said...

You would make an epic hairdresser. Epic.

Leece said...

You always pick cute haircuts, I'm just worried if you keep having bad days-you'll end up with a crew cut or bald! ;) So glad you're letting your natural color come in, it's too beautiful not be to seen. <3