Saturday, September 3, 2011

That one time Sheridan came to visit

So back in the end of July, my sister Sheridan came to Utah for a few days to hang with me. Luckily for her I wasn't in school and I was working helping with ILP's summer camp with the Chinese kids. So here are some pictures from our trip.
Basically the equation for the week was Sisters + food + asians = fun!
(These are out of order and I'm too lazy to switch them)
Sheridan chipmunk planking on Snowbird
At Thanksgiving point gardens (she also planked that...shocker)

 Shern with Abby and Bella (our cousins) @ home
 Sheridan with some of the Asians in Thanksgiving point museum
Best part of the day when I hid and scared them and they screamed like girls
 In the conference center for sister day
(p.s. I took this bomb picture)
 We had an epic snowball fight at the top of Snowbird. Best.picture.ever.
They all decided to attack me. I've never had so much snow in my bra in my life! 
(please ignore my nast hair of the's now a diff color and cut too)
Seestas at the top of Snowbird! We rode the tram :)

Temple square..thanks random guy for taking this!

I took the girls to Yogurtland

It was a lovely few days of Donny's house, Rice King, school shopping, redbox movies, Rubios, Thanksgiving Point (gardens and museum), Snowbird ski resort, buffets, asians, snow, pizza, Temple Square, Harry Potter, ILP, food, treats, planking, mac photo booth, pictures, more food, shopping, family, hair dying parties, and fun. 
Thanks seesta for coming to visit me :)

1 comment:

Leece said...

Some of these pics made me laugh out loud :D Sheridan had so much fun. You are the best hostess,the state of Utah should hire you!