Wednesday, September 21, 2011

That explains a lot...

The other day in class (or on tv, I can't remember) the expert was talking about concussions and the effects it has on the person who received it. I started to think about all the concussions I have experienced over the years. I chose to start early and try to cram in as many as possible. I think I can attribute my memory loss and sometimes erratic behavior to the many, many head smashing, brain banging incidents. Here are my Top Five:

Number One
So in the third grade I jammed my finger during P.E. on a rubber playground ball. When I went to show my teacher, he pulled on it and I passed out hardcore. Then while unconscious, I stood up again, and passed out again. Luckily, my teacher caught me and carried me to the grass to lay down. A whole bunch of ambulances, firetrucks, and police cars showed up and took me away for some tests and a day stay at the hospital.
Good times. Lots of sympathy.

Number Two

About a year later, my aunt wanted to crimp my hair. I stood too long with my knees locked and passed out. Another a concussion for me. We had a day of activities planned so my Grandma decided we should do that instead of going to the doctor. So we went on saw Hercules and ate lunch...I don't remember anything from the rest of the day or the movie.

Number Three

About a year after the previous incident, I got heat stoke (ya know, AZ summer time) while at my best friend's house, hoping that she could play and passed out. I cracked my head on the kitchen tile. I don't remember anything after that...

Number Four

A few years ago, I was trying to quickly shave my legs on a narrow tub ledge when I slipped and hit my head straight onto my avocado-colored wall. It was clear I had a concussion and my neighbor/nurse confirmed it. I don't remember a lot after that because my mom let me nap a bunch of times. (BTW aren't you supposed to stay awake?) I also remember my sister's friends making fun of my weird comments. My head hurt for several days and I felt really bizarre but my mom let me drive the next day...(big sketchy!)

Number Five

Around the same time as the last concussion, I passed out again in the doctors office. I was fasting to get tested for celiac disease (which I have) and after the blood samples, I had a seizure. Not only did I seize so hard I kicked my shoe into the other room, I hit my head on the chair and got ANOTHER concussion. That was a rough experience and they made me chill at the doctor for a really long time before my mom took me home and I completely forgot about the next two days.

I'm not entirely sure what all the effects of this many (and more) concussions are on a person's brain, but I'm sure it is not good! Hopefully I'll turn out alright and I won't have dementia or something by the time I'm 30. Time will tell, I least they make for good stories :)


Leece said...

I love your paint pictures, especially the shaving the legs one! Hilarious! You forgot the passing out after taking the pins out of your wrist story-although that wasn't a concussion story. I probably let you sleep and drive because I've had so many shock treatments I can't remember anything! Quite the pair we are :)

C/K said...

Crazy! So, we just finished studying traumatic brain injuries in my medical SLP class and concussions are in the broad definition of TBI. On top of that, your chances of TBI triple after the first, and multiply by 8x after the second. Nuts! So good luck with that and try not to hit your head so much... cause it can really effect your communication and stuff. Ouch. Be careful!