Monday, September 5, 2011

The Golden Age

Last night I couldn't sleep so I watched Midnight in Paris. I enjoyed it, it was entertaining and interesting to see how they captured another time. In the movie, Owen Wilson is able to visit his "golden age" the 1920's while in Paris. After the movie, I was trying to sleep but kept thinking, what would be my golden age, where do I feel like I belong. Finally, I determined it was a toss up. It would seem that I would obviously belong in the 1980s, but I tend to live like I'm still there now. Let me break it down what I discovered...

I always felt like that decade was one of empowerment and movement. they had civil rights (both with African American and Hispanic), feminism, and a struggle for peace in a time of war and contention all around the world. Music, fashion, film, art, and science were on a rise. I think it would've been so awesome to be in the middle of the great change that was occurring. Plus, my life would've been freakin sweet. Here's proof: 

He would be my boyfriend. It was a short but wonderful love 
 Here's my best friend. People think she's a little crazy (crazy awesome) but she kills it onstage and has a voice like I've never heard before. 
 She would be my inspiration and idol,but way too cool for me. I love the hair and eyes! 
 This is pretty close to what I actually dressed like. (I'm the one with the afro, of course)

Technology, social movements, architecture, music, art, and film just seem like they exploded at this time into something wonderful and new. Also, I was always a big fan of the disco scene and fashion. Here we go again:
Here's my bff, Stevie. I wish I had a picture of her boots..they were always rad
 My gay bestie, Freddie. I hated when he would steal my clothes without asking.
 Yeah, everyone wanted to be like them. What can I say, their clothes are awesome.
(So was Farrah's hair)
My favorite movie. I saw it 10 times in theaters.
Plus, I was in love with Harrison Ford :)

After reviewing the evidence, I think it's quite obvious that I would belong in either decade. Maybe I'll just stick to my current golden age and work in aspects from my others... 

1 comment:

Leece said...

Babe, you've always had an old soul! Nice pics, brought back memories :)