Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Special Boys

Here's one of my favorite kids of all time. My little cousin Cole is so very special to me and I was blessed to do therapies with him for a while. In all honesty, I almost didn't move away from school because I didn't want to leave him and my little brother. I miss him all the time and think about all the fun things we have done. He is a very special boy and will do great things in his life, despite his obstacles with autism. 

With this month being Autism month, I've been thinking a lot about my job and the children I have worked with that have Autism. I try not to refer to them as my Autistic kids, because autism does not define someone. Each child is individually unique and extremely special. I've been blessed with having the opportunity of working with a few boys that have Autism, all on very different levels of the spectrum. I feel very strongly about the fair treatment, available therapies, and attention in schools, home, life, and the community. I'm so tired of the stigmas that society has placed on disorders like depression, down syndrome, and autism. Autism is neurological and affects the brain. The brain is an organ in the body just like the heart or a liver. Should people with a heart condition or liver disease be treated like outsiders and second class citizens, just because they can't control an organ in their body to operate at full capacity? Why is it different for someone struggling with a chemical imbalance or neural development disorder?
 I try not to get angry with people or judge them when they say rude comments or give me or my kids dirty looks while out in public. I can try and brush it off and make excuses for them, hoping that it is purely ignorance and not hate. Sometime when I talk or think about my boys and how special they are to me, their families, and our Heavenly Father I get emotional. The past couple years I've been trying to work with these special spirits and teach them how to better function in the world we are living in. The more I get to know and love them and get a glimpse inside their minds, the more I wish I was like them. I truly believe they can access parts of their brain we can't and they can experience and notice things we will casually look over. I always think of the boy I currently work with and say, "Why am I trying so hard to bring you into 'our' world when your is so cool?" I love him. Heavenly Father sent these special children to Earth to learn and grow just like us but they will need extra help. I definitely want to do my part and bring more awareness so they have a chance to develop and blossom just like their peers.
To all the parents, caregivers, teachers, and friends. You are truly amazing! The Lord entrusted us to take care of his children to the best of our abilities, even when times are tough. I'm so grateful I've been given time and developed relationships with my wonderful boys. There is nothing more rewarding then to see them succeed. When times get tough, try to think of things with an eternal perspective. I can't wait for them to overcome this earthly trial and be perfected. Try to be a little better, helpful, understanding, and loving to these children. You will be surprised what you discover and won't regret what you receive.


Jazmin said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the kids you get to work with Leeny! I'm inspired!

Leece said...

Beautifully put, Babe! Truly your life is better because of the boys you've had a privilege to work with and love. I know for a fact their lives are enriched because of you and your tender friendship and love-as is mine. I'm proud of you and the maturity, compassion, and insight you have beyond your years. Love you!