Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Anyone that claims to know me well would know this is a no-brainer. In fact, they've probably endured a viewing (or in Suz's case 20+ viewings) of my favorite artist and his History DVD.

It's the one and only MJ. I think family and friends think I have an unhealthy relationship with him..
Here's my DVD that most of you have probably seen. It's bomb
Seeing this for the first time made me think that I was put on this Earth to dance. (I was not)

I don't know what it is that makes me really like my bi-colored friend here, but something about the dancing, music, and hysteria is amazing to me. I could probably listen to his music or watch his videos ALL day. ( I say probably so it doesn't sound like I've actually done this...because I have). I use to get to work before everyone else to put on his greatest hits CD. 
I just love MJ. I was seriously considering selling a kidney to see his tour and then he suddenly died. I wish the world had been exposed to such greatest that I know was in the tour, but it is also kinda nice that he didn't have more time to do any other bizarre things and ruin it for me. Maybe he was a weirdo creep in real life, I don't know, but I do know that his music has inspired me like crazy. I love Michael Jackson (as a musical artist and icon).
Oh, I almost forgot to mention the music video we did together. Remember when we made Scream? I know, not our best work but I got to wear that cool shirt and flip the camera off. Rad.
Rest in Peace MJ. Don't worry, I still rock it out to all your songs and music videos :)

1 comment:

Leece said...

Yes, he was a creeper in so many ways but a genius in others. I'm not here to judge the creeper side. I am here to say that when I hear his song "Black or White", all of a sudden I feel like I can Moonwalk and then try. That's the magic of MJ, I think.