Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Did I Get Here?

I was going to take a nap but my next door neighbors are getting their floors done and there is a crazy loud noise so I thought I would do a little post...

I was walking around campus the other day and the thought entered my mind, "How the heck did I get here?" Really. I never planned on going to BYU. Actually, I'm pretty sure 2 years ago I was swearing that I would never live in Utah and NEVER ever step foot on the BYU campus. A little while later things changed and What Up Brigham Young University?! It's really strange in a good way how different my life is. Provo is like its own planet and BYU is about the same. A lot of times I feel like I don't belong but I know it's right and things have worked out super great. Walking around campus is always a frickin treat, Mormons are sort of nuts. People give BYU students a hard time but I now know why. Haha, there are some interesting (to say the least) people walkin up on that campus. I thoroughly enjoy awkwardness so everyday is basically my favorite day at school. I've heard some pretty hilarious conversations going on. Most of them aren't intentionally funny but I find myself ease dropping and cracking up all the time. I heard about this not too long ago..http://overheardatbyu.com/. It's accurate but I've seen and heard so much better.  For example today I was walking ahead of these girls and here was the convo I heard:
Girl 1: So I was like so happy, like I was on drugs or something. I mean, I've like loved him forever and now it's like he loves me too! I guess he like, liked me before his mission too. It's like oh my gosh, why didn't you tell me? We like kinda dated I guess but I don't know. Anyways, I'm just so excited about everything.
Girl 2: I'm so happy for you!
Girl 1: I know, right? He like even had a dream about me! He won't tell me what it was or what is was about.
Girl 2: It was probably dirty..
Girl 1: What? UH! NO! It was probably about marriage.
Girl 2: You're right, it probably was. It could've been dirty though...
Girl 1: Not a chance, it was definitely about marriage.
It was super hard not for me to laugh slash want to turn around and smack them. Girls, wow, they're crazy!
Everyday I get to experience little gems like this. Thanks BYU.
Also, thank you for my kick-A biology (aka birdology) teacher, Dr. Black. I knew we were going to be bffs the first day when he said, "Biology can be fun and it can be serious. What do I mean by that? SEX. It can be serious, you can get a disease and die. Or have a baby, that's serious. It's also fun though, just call your parents and ask em."  He is the funniest teacher I have ever had. He clowns on everyone but he can take the heat too. today he told us a story of a conversation he had with a girl (he referred to her as the reproductive girl b/c she was holding a baby) in the hall. He asked her why bats can make such high pitched noises. The girl responded saying because of their tiny testicles. He said, yes and no. Also their tiny vocal cords. He also said there is no use for horror films when you can just make movies about radioactive bats that have huge scary heads. "That would be a million times better than those retarded Twilight movies!"
I would have to agree

Some lovely people have started fan pages for him on facebook. Check it out.

Well, that's all for now. Much love and I'll work on some drawings for next time :)

1 comment:

Leece said...

Oh My gosh! First, Sheridan had to tell me that was your face in Bella's hair. Second, Tiny testicles-it sounds juvenile but I laughed out loud! I love your blog!