Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Guess Where I'm Going to Live...

Hey all, here is a little post for the famdam and friendlies. So it looks like come April time, I will be moving to Phichit, Thailand for four months.
Remember when I blogged about how much I wanted to live there?

 That's right, I get to spend my summer on the other side of the world in one of the hottest and most humid places ever....I know y'all can't wait to see pics of the nappers (my hairrr) and I during that time. But real talk, my summer will hopefully make up for the last few summers times a trillion. I'm committed and I'm doin it! Here's a little map of Thailand and the red is where Phichit is:

Right now is a big of a rough patch so I'm just praying that April comes soon...or like now. I just want to ride elephants through the jungle and take legit pics with tigers

And guess what my province is famous for?
Here's some random giant, hollow...statue (?) of a crocodile. Friends and family may remember, this is a really serious fear of mine that I plan on overcoming (cuz I'm all about conquering my ridiculous amount of phobias). Alligators and crocodiles have freaked me out forever. I really wanted to build a barrier on my bunk bed so that the ones in the Phx Zoo wouldn't hop on the freeway, break through my window, and jump on to my bunk bed to almost fatally injure me. In my child mind, this was a very real possibility and reoccurring nightmare.  I was well aware how high they could jump (spring, leap, snap at, whatever) and being mortally wounded by one was worse than actually being murdered by its jaws. Just saying. So the fact that I get to live in Thailand AND get over my intense fear of crocodiles, is basically the best thing ever. 
Yeah, I'm stoked. And you all better write me while I'm gone. That's all :)


Leece said...

So excited for your next adventure...minus the tigers and crocs. I know you're going to have so much fun my gypsy girl! xoxo

Grammadebs said...

Hey know my sister lives in BANGKOK???? seriously you will love Thailand. They are struggling with the floods right now but you will have a great time culturally, spiritually...every which way. awesome! We might be going back to visit ...April is HOTHOTHOTTEST season. Stupid Farangs..that is what you will be called. ha. But not to worry..just drink TONS of water and if your glasses fog up when you walk outside...just know that happened to me too.. sounds like a great adventure and you have to get to Phuket!! no crocs there. unless you wear them on your feet. ha oh and the elephant ride is amazing through the jungle. xoxo