Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wo Ai Zhongguo. Don't you wanna?

                       There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my semester in China.
This is mainly because I'm obsessed with China, Chinese culture, and I love the people. I also get to talk to people everyday at work to tell them about the wonderful experience of teaching English abroad. It makes me want to go back, and hopefully I will be going back with ILP soon! 
Yesterday I spoke to a concerned mother that asked me, "If my daughter doesn't get school credit and has to pay, what is the point of going with ILP?" I then proceeded to tell her how it changed my life and I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for going to China.

Two things this week happened to remind me why going to China with ILP continues to affect me: 
1. I taught Summer school for ILP in Provo last year and met many new kids and people from China, Ukraine, and Russia. I got really close to one of the teachers from Ukraine named Larissa. One of my bosses just got back from visiting Ukraine and brought me back a gift from her. Isn't great that I have little buddies all over the world? I think so!

2. This morning I woke up to my phone flashing telling me I had a new email. Normal right? It wasn't until I looked at who it was from that I was a little confused. The email address was all Chinese characters. It said this:
Hello,well,are you Mrs.Shelene Webb?
If you are.Then thank you. 
I'm your student.Can you remember Guanghua School?I'm a student in it.I don't konw what to you remember me.
I'm sorry.I can't speak English well now.
I just hope you can remember me.
Thank you.
I hope you have a good time .I'm Wang Fengping in China.

This made me so happy! I emailed her back and after a few little convos I discovered that it was my student Mary from Wuxi! She is now 15 years old. I was so touched that she remembered me and was emailing me after all these years to thank me. We plan on keeping in touch. Here is a picture of Mary while I was there:
How wonderful is it that I taught a student English in China and we are now communicating (thanks to technology) in ENGLISH?! I'm so blessed to have that opportunity. Can I please go back now?

P.S. Here is one of my all time favorite pictures:
I miss hearing "Wo Ai Ni" (I love you) everyday


Leece said...

I'm so excited you heard from Mary! I almost cried reading her sweet note. I told you your kids would never forget your love!

jonnajack said...

That is awesome news that you heard from a student! All my students have my email, but I never heard from them. You are super blessed!

Shelene said...

Mary told another student, who is now in Shanghai and she wrote me this morning! Some of our kids are still in Wuxi. LOST moment: Jonna, we have to go back!