Friday, June 3, 2011

I guess it's time to start buying cats...

I am discovering a very interesting equation in Utah....
23 years old+single+living in Provo=instant spinsterhood. Must be time to start collecting stray cats, wearing house dresses all the time, and acting cooky. Here is my inspiration:

I don't intend for me to sound like a bitter old single person, I've just been thinking about this a lot lately.
So over the past few months I've had at least three different girls recommend marriage to me. I am a believer recommending things to people but I usually stick to movies, books, and food. I guess it's kinda my fault, I have a bad habit of asking people a lot of questions and usually follow up with, "oh yeah, how's that?" Typically my conversations go like this:
Me: "That's a beautiful ring, are you married or engaged?"
Girl: "I just got married a couple month ago"
Me: (typical answer) "Oh yeah, how's that?"
Girl: "It's so great! I love being married....(blah blah blah) ...ya know, I really recommend you try to get married, it's the best!"
Me: (usual response) "Okay, I'll get to work on that."
In all honesty I would like to respond with "You mean if I was married I would have a best friend, something to look forward to at home, and wouldn't have to sleep alone? Whoa, why didn't this thought ever occur to me before??" But I'm trying to be better at not being a smart A... my mom doesn't like it.

I have nothing against people that get married early, heck, most of my family did! I do, however, have something against people treating me like I have leprosy because I'm 23 and don't even have a boyfriend.
Marriage is a big deal to me and I know and know of enough recently divorced people to want to make sure I am positive about my decision with the right person, right place, and the right time. Call me crazy but I use my brain for logic and reasoning.

I apologize if you have been let down that I take a million years to do anything (like graduate from college) but I'm working on my time and doing what I know is right. And I think that as long as I'm making good decisions I'll be okay :) Oh, and here is a little luck on my side...
So just "Simmer down now" :)


Katie said...

Girl, I love you! This post is clever, witty, and totally legit. We are totally on the same page, but you actually know how to express it. I thought as I read this "so that's what I've been thinking about lately." I don't think you have leprosy, I think you're....right :)

Kelly said...

Oh Shelene! I am definitely not concerned about you not getting married! You are going to be the best freaking wife and mother... but seriously! But I must admit I did love this post! You are hilarious!

Leece said...

Most of my friends got married after 25-don't put a time table on eternity. You WILL be the most amazing wife and mother and your husband will be the luckiest man around! Don't let this Provo mind-set get to you. Doing things right is the best approach for anything-especially something as special as finding your eternal companion! Please don't start buying cats and moo-moos, you're still so young-and yes, I don't like smart a's. ;) Insightful and wise post!!