Thursday, June 9, 2011

Warning: Exposure to Shelene may end in wicked road rash

Sometimes I am a spaz and do things to hurt myself on accident....and sometimes I'm a spaz and do things to injure other people. The other day I was walking home from class down the long hill at BYU, listening to my ipod (as usual)....  if you look at the illustration above, you will see that there are two walkways separated by a pole for pedestrians and bikers. I was walking down the pedestrian pathway and came to the opening to cross the bike pathway to the stairs.
(Can you tell I'm bomb at drawing ray bans style glasses and ipods?

 I'm always really cautious about walking across the bike lane so I make sure to look both ways. So as always, I looked both ways and swiftly crossed and started on the stairs. Then I heard over my music...
a really loud screech of tires. I quickly turned around to see some guy swerving his bike around. How did this happen?? I looked both ways and he was NOT there! Then the worse part..
Homeboy straight up crashed his bike into the dividing rail! Am I really that slow and large that he could absolutely not avoid hitting me and had to crash his bike into the pole?! I would like to think that the majority of this incident was not my fault. I looked and I crossed quickly. There was no way I stepped in front of him. Then...
Just when I thought it was bad, he flew off his bike and slid down the hill. I felt so freaking bad! 
Thankfully, he got up and let me know he was alive and somewhat well. I still felt terrible and apologized a trillion times. I could not believe what just happened and carefully went down the stairs to my car. I learned my lesson...I will now look more than once and I will RUN across that bike lane. 
Why do these things happen to me? Sheesh!


Leece said...

Having extensive experience in this area-being married to your father, I can tell you with absolute positivity that he was flying on his bike, way too fast for this area. I bet he doesn't do that too soon. Glad he's ok and that he didn't hit you!

Kelly said...

Laughed lots!