Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Seester Time!

My little sister Sheridan is coming to visit in a couple hours! One of my best friends, Chris, was so kind to bring her with him so she can see Utah and chill with me. I haven't seen my sister in 7 months and let's be honest, I'm not the best at calling or texting people so it will be nice! My sister is pretty hilarious so I'm excited to play. Plus, she borrowed my mom's camera so we can document it all. She's kinda wild and not afraid to take ridiculous pictures. Proof:
Here's a typical Sheridan pic
 Horse plankin'. NBD
This is how reverent my family is..my dad took this at the temple during Christmas..
Such a creeper
Oh hay famdam. And this is us acting normal.

Shern is going to go with me this week on my Asian excursion so that should be interesting and entertaining. Hopefully I will work less and play more this week! We also get to chill with my cousins and play so I think I'm in for a fantastic week! Yay :)

1 comment:

Leece said...

So excited you two are together-love both your faces!